Friday, November 18, 2011

Bipolar Economy

Recently while at work, I have been continuously assigned the role as Drive Thru Backup (the one who talks in that speaker box), so I am constantly asking customers what they want to eat. As annoying as that is (the headset gives me a headache), we're also timed on how long the customers are in the Drive Thru, to ensure customer satisfaction.

But we had been taking too long apparently, so one of our managers decided to write us up if we don't stay below a certain time, and if we get three write-ups, we lose our job. Thus, we quickly began treating the Drive Thru as a race to get rid of the customers.

Our managers also want us to take in as much money as possible, so they began inforcing a policy that requires us to ask every customer if they'd like any extra sauce or for us to upsize their drinks, for a small fee of course.

In other words, they want us to harrass our customers to buy more things, then push them out as quickly as possible...

Suddenly I begin hating the customers (they're bringing up "my drive time"!) and the customers begin getting annoyed with us bothering them to get more things. It's like we're constantly fighting each other, and all of our coworkers feel like our only allies. You're either with us or against us.

In "Glengarry Glen Ross", it seems tp be even worse than that. Their job is to swindle people out of as much money as possible. They're not crooks (well, most of them aren't), it's legal what they do, selling land.

Here is a quotr that I think drives my point home though:

"They signed, Ricky. It was GREAT. It was fucking great. It was like they wilted all at once. No GESTURE... nothing. Like together. They, I swear to God, they both kind of IMPERCEPTIBLY SLUMPED."

Our economy is about competition. Not just with our fellow salesmen though, we compete with even the consumers.

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